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Mother Daughter Legacy Circles


Our Mother Daughter Legacy Circles began five years ago.

My youngest daughter was two years old and my eldest daughter was fifteen.

We still circle today. Sunday is our sacred day to learn lessons for life that will be passed down to other generations. We want to make this amazing journey possible for all mothers and daughters, so we created Mother Daughter Legacy Circles that can be done at home, on vacation, or anywhere you want to create a teachable moment or memory that will last forever.

Over the years, even before I began circling, mothers would always share their hopes and anxieties of sharing teachable moments and life lessons with their girls.  For some this was easy, but many mothers were honest about the difficulty of opening and sharing meaningful conversations. Many of these mothers never had  "real model" experiences of their own.  Sometimes it was just hard to get conversations started and stay consistent. Mother Daughter Legacy Circles are more than just conversations on important topics. Mothers get to create with purpose and intentions a legacy - one they desired for themselves, but one they desperately desire for their daughter.

We have made it easy for you momma. Utilizing my own circling experience and my training as a Journey of Young Women Mentor, I am sharing five years of intimate circle activities, along with ready to go curriculum and activities.

You can begin your own Mother Daughter Legacy Circles with the Mother Daughter Legacy Circles Kits.

Begin today creating intentional and meaningful lessons for life.


Purchase your "Treasure Box" Mother Daughter Legacy Circle Kit today.

Stay connected with us share more Mother Daughter Legacy Kits.


Welcome again momma to motherhood, an amazing and spiritual journey.

When the acorn grows into a beautiful oak tree,

you will find love hanging from it's branches

and embedded  in it's roots.


Bringing the light to our flowers.

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